Dear Diary,
I purposely (tanpa rase bersalahnye) bunk morning class today :P (muke jahat). got up at 8.30am,woke up by the incoming msg from my sis.
Sis: "im pregnant for 1 1/2 mths!!!"(my second sister who was married in Jan)
i jumped out of the bed,and tersenyum sendiri~tersengih2 macam kerang busok.aha. i AM SOOO HAPPY that i cant feel my legs touching the ground! im gonna be Auntie in 8-months time!! (oh well...i am indeed a preexisting Untie having 2 hensem nephews who called me by the name
"Kakak U",they refused to call me "Cik Su" tho.) haha. i'm young, i'm young!!
The first one (
AQIF DANIAL) call me
KAKAK U bcoz me and my First sis(aqif's mom) used to membahasakan ourselves "YOU" and "I". so, i guess, aqif overheard us,and since that he starts calling me KAKAK U! =) The second one (
AFIQ IMRAN)...not yet able to call ppl's name,except words like air,air,air~haha.he always asking for water when eating his cute,and noty!
ok ok.goin back to my 2nd sis, i am happy for u!! cant wait to go back and c the change~ ;)
and here's Aqif Danial.>>>
p/s: "All babies are cute."
Song on iTunes now:Smack That-Akon