Today was supposed to be holiday or so-called Shouting Day for all of us. but there was exception for final year students.(oh yes..thats me!!) College seems a lil bit quiet this afternoon.
Where to next,gurls? winks winks. (shopping!!!!!)
i like those waffles also!!
yummy kan??
iye!! sangat sedap
and oso,its the best way to pamper urself. ;)
alamak! tibe2 teringat kat brownies buatan kennok!!! sangatla yummy!!! mane bley lawan ini waffles. sedapnyeeee brownie kennok!!! (ps: mahu) hehe
Anjing tu mcm dh mati je. o_O
Yum~ waffles. NAK!
So, when I come to India, you can take me to the waffle shop. Lalala~
Final year eh? GOOD LUCK!!! XD
oh i like that waffle too.
but v long time din go d.
miss it...
skrg tgh on leave from brownie making..eheheh..nnt2 kay!
sure nina!! come la come!!!
ei...i really hoping to visit n jalan2 at ur place la!!! but how? when?? shud i???
(da tanye emak..kasi hint2. ckp kat mak nk g sane sorg2...tros NOOO!!!!) hahahaa
wendy, jom ke waffle shop a.k.a SAIBA!! hehe
omg......tibe2 i teringin! oh no!
gulp (telan air liur)
nati da on balik...calling2 la k,kennok.hiks ;)
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